
"Carbon (Dioxide) trading is now the fastest growing commodities market on earth.....And here’s the great thing about it. Unlike traditional commodities markets, which will eventually involve delivery to someone in physical form, the carbon (dioxide) market is based on lack of delivery of an invisible substance to no-one. Since the market revolves around creating carbon (dioxide) credits, or finding carbon (dioxide) reduction projects whose benefits can then be sold to those with a surplus of emissions, it is entirely intangible." (Telegraph)

This blog has been tracking the 'Global Warming Scam' for over ten years now. There are a very large number of articles being published in blogs and more in the MSM who are waking up to the fact the public refuse to be conned any more and are objecting to the 'green madness' of governments and the artificially high price of energy. This blog will now be concentrating on the major stories as we move to the pragmatic view of 'not if, but when' and how the situation is managed back to reality. To quote Professor Lindzen, "a lot of people are going to look pretty silly"

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Friday, 2 June 2017

That Paris Speech Just Made Trump Great Again

It was inspirational because it articulated better than any world leader has ever done before why environmentalism is in fact such a harmful creed.
Rather than get bogged down in the “science” of climate change — an elephant trap so arranged by climate alarmists to make anyone who disagrees with them look ignorant or “anti-science” — he cut to the chase and talked about the important stuff that hardly ever gets mentioned by all the other politicians, for some reason: the fact that the climate change industry is killing jobs.  ........Compare and contrast with the other world leaders: Merkel, May, Macron, Trudeau, Turnbull — not one of those charlatans dares tell the truth about the global climate change industry, that it’s a racket which achieves nothing but simply transfers wealth from Western nations to countries like India and China."

Merkel’s Phony CO2 Policy… U.S. REDUCTIONS Making Huge Progress As Germany Does Nothing

However, when we look at the facts, we see that Merkel and the German climate activists are truly living a fake reality. 
The real reality is that Germany has done virtually nothing at all to reduce its CO2 emissions over the past years.
No GHG emissions reductions in 8 years!  ...."

3 Chemists Conclude CO2 Greenhouse Effect Is ‘Unreal’, Violates Laws Of Physics, Thermodynamics

Eight years ago, 2 physicists published a comprehensive 115-page scientific paper entitled “Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics” in the International Journal of Modern Physics.   ........"

Credit where it's not due

Stick Nern
Last October, David Rose wrote that Nick Stern’s research centre has falsely claimed credit for papers it had no role in. Rose listed a few anecdotes. Stern runs a big research programme, with lots of people and lots of papers. You could dismiss the suspect papers as mishaps, although Stern’s spokesman, Bob Ward, reacted so furiously that there may be more to this story. So, I started digging. ............David Rose found only the tip of the iceberg. Nick Stern and colleagues received £9 million from the UK taxpayer. For the first half of that money, they appear to have exaggerated their output by a factor four. Based on that “success”, they were awarded the second half of the money, and continue to exaggerate their output, albeit by only a factor two. "

Trump leads way in popping symbolic Paris bubble

The Leader of the free world leads the way out of the hollow bureaucratic pointless puffery of an agreement that was never going to change the weather. "

The craziest reactions to Trump pulling out of the #ParisAgreement

Heads are exploding today, get popcorn. Here are some of the best emotionaly based reactions from the climate alarmist squad.
Here’s billionaire climate activist Tom Steyer saying it’s a “traitorous act of war”. Yeah, right. ......"