
"Carbon (Dioxide) trading is now the fastest growing commodities market on earth.....And here’s the great thing about it. Unlike traditional commodities markets, which will eventually involve delivery to someone in physical form, the carbon (dioxide) market is based on lack of delivery of an invisible substance to no-one. Since the market revolves around creating carbon (dioxide) credits, or finding carbon (dioxide) reduction projects whose benefits can then be sold to those with a surplus of emissions, it is entirely intangible." (Telegraph)

This blog has been tracking the 'Global Warming Scam' for over ten years now. There are a very large number of articles being published in blogs and more in the MSM who are waking up to the fact the public refuse to be conned any more and are objecting to the 'green madness' of governments and the artificially high price of energy. This blog will now be concentrating on the major stories as we move to the pragmatic view of 'not if, but when' and how the situation is managed back to reality. To quote Professor Lindzen, "a lot of people are going to look pretty silly"

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Monday, 24 July 2023

Study accidentally proves man-caused global warming not provable

 Eric Utter

According to a study recently published in the journal Science, and latched onto by USA Today, more than 400,000 years ago, Greenland was actually green.  Yes, scientists say, the massive island was an ice-free landscape and was perhaps even covered with trees.

This is important to know, avers study co–lead author Paul Bierman of the University of Vermont, because it tells us that "Greenland's ice sheet is fragile."  Bierman stated: "All by itself, during a warm period very similar to today, the ice sheet melted away 400,000 years ago.  That was without fossil fuel emissions into the atmosphere."

An ice sheet melted "all by itself"?  Here is a "scientist" telling us that we must immediately change our lifestyles and bankrupt our economies to prevent something that occurred naturally and without human influence 400,000 years ago! ...."

Warming-obsessed media wrong again

 Vijay Jayaraj

There is not much new about media hyperbole in weather reporting, but July’s climate alarmism may be more breathless than usual.

Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and other social media were inundated with posts containing flaming red maps of Southern Europe and Northern Africa......These commentators conveniently ignore below average temperatures in Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe and large swaths of Russia. In fact, people in my city here in India were wearing sweaters during the same week despite it being the middle of a tropical summer.

Even in the U.S., temperatures have not been as dangerous as portrayed. Chris Martz, a meteorologist, notes that “the entire Lower 48 is only nine-hundredths of a degree Fahrenheit above average [relative to 1991-2020]. Month-to-date temperatures are much cooler this year than just last year and are nothing compared to 1980 or 2011.”

A Leading Climate Scientist Expresses Doubt About the Veracity of the Global Warming Movement

 Jerome R Corsi

In her new book, Curry acknowledges that a changing climate “has been the norm throughout the Earth’s 4.6-billion-year history.” She refuses to abandon the idea that we humans “are also changing atmospheric composition by increasing the emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases,” but she adds an important caveat:

This redefinition of “climate change” to refer only to human-caused changes to the atmospheric composition has effectively eliminated natural climate change from the public discussion.

The result is that the common parlance refers to “climate change,” with no mention of natural climate variability. Any change that is observed over the past century is now implicitly assumed to be caused by human emissions to the atmosphere. This assumption leads to connecting every unusual weather or climate event to human-caused climate change from fossil fuel emissions. Having acknowledged that climate change is the “norm” throughout the Earth’s 4.6-billion-year history, Curry understands that this politicized attribution of all climate change to humans burning hydrocarbon fuels is nonsense."

Wednesday, 5 July 2023

On global warming, so many problems with the data

 Jack Hellner

We have been told for years that we would have snowless winters, not that sometimes we would have record snows, as we did out west this year.

We have been told that oceans are rising rapidly, and coastal cities would soon be underwater, not that they have risen an essentially immeasurable 9 inches in 140 years.

Why don't the media and other green pushers tell the truth instead of giving dire predictions?  The answer is that people wouldn't capitulate if they learned the truth......Why are people, especially children, told the intentional lie that thousands of species are dying each year because of humans and our use of natural resources when the truth is that scientists can identify only 800 animal species that have gone extinct in the last 400 years, or two per year?  The answer is clearly that the truth would not get support for the radical green agenda. ......Why should anyone trust the same people who did the following when they said they could control temperatures, sea levels, and storm activity, if we just hand over trillions, and give up our freedom and quality of life? .....They lied that we could keep our health plan and doctor, and our premiums would go down.

They lied throughout COVID and then claimed to be surprised when children became depressed and their test scores went down.

They refused to control the border but lied that the border was closed.

They supported soft-on-crime district attorneys but claimed they weren't soft on crime even as crime goes up.

They lied continuously to destroy Trump without evidence and refused to support his policies, which were lifting all races.

They lied to get the corrupt, incompetent Biden into office.

Why hasn't it been a big story that LA has had record cool temperatures in 2023?

 Jack Hellner

"From May 1 to June 29, a 60-day stretch, the high temperature in downtown Los Angeles did not reach 80. It is the longest recorded streak of days with high temperatures below 80 during May and June in downtown Los Angeles since 1878.

The previous longest streak was 59 days from May 2 to June 29 in 1916. The highest temperature during the current streak was 79 on June 17 and June 21."

The reason the story of record cool temperatures in LA is not widely reported is the same reason the public rarely if ever sees the following stories. They don’t fit the radical green agenda to remake or destroy America. Facts don’t matter to leftists when they are pushing an agenda.    "A brutal cold wave has swept northern India, blanketing streets in freezing fog, intensifying pollution, disrupting hundreds of flights and prompting school closures."

Global warming, climate change, caused by humans has always been a scam to get more government control of our lives and to funnel large amounts of money to leftists.

It is absolutely pathetic that the media just repeats what they are told on global warming or climate change without doing any research. And not once have they asked Biden, Kerry, Gore, Gates, Obama, or any green pusher for scientific data which supports the green agenda either because they know none exists or because they don’t care."

Sunday, 2 July 2023

"The Greatest History Never Told" - Full Feature Explains All!

 Ivor Cummins (Ireland)

This evening at 7:30pm UK time (Jun 24, 2023) we premiere the session I recorded recently in Stockholm with Dr. Jacob Nordangard, and it is packed with illustrations and clips to make it a docu-drama! It covers everything of importance: the geopolitical history of Rockefeller/Carnegie/Ford foundations, thru to the Rockefeller influential dominance in the 1940's.  Their creation of League of Nations (soon to become the United Nations & WHO). The intrigue accelerates with the founding of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, European Management Forum (to soon become the World Economic Forum), UN Agenda 21, the Earth Charter Commission, the G20 - and a dizzying array of increasingly powerful organizations thru to the 2000's.

A truly pivotal moment occurred in 2019, when the massively expanded World Economic Forum...quietly signed a partnering contract with the United Nations (an event with massive implications - but zero media coverage, of course). In short this epic production explains the bizarre behavior of Covid, Climate, Trans, etc, etc. - the whole shooting match, decoded. I'm not exaggerating...! DOWNLOAD this video here to share elsewhere: Dr. Nordangård's incredible historical record publication (scroll down for eBook version):!/jac...

ED; This is why the Covid scam played well with the Climate Change scam..... its all about control, money and the "new world order" WEF project.... watch the documentary all the way through .....