
"Carbon (Dioxide) trading is now the fastest growing commodities market on earth.....And here’s the great thing about it. Unlike traditional commodities markets, which will eventually involve delivery to someone in physical form, the carbon (dioxide) market is based on lack of delivery of an invisible substance to no-one. Since the market revolves around creating carbon (dioxide) credits, or finding carbon (dioxide) reduction projects whose benefits can then be sold to those with a surplus of emissions, it is entirely intangible." (Telegraph)

This blog has been tracking the 'Global Warming Scam' for over ten years now. There are a very large number of articles being published in blogs and more in the MSM who are waking up to the fact the public refuse to be conned any more and are objecting to the 'green madness' of governments and the artificially high price of energy. This blog will now be concentrating on the major stories as we move to the pragmatic view of 'not if, but when' and how the situation is managed back to reality. To quote Professor Lindzen, "a lot of people are going to look pretty silly"

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Wednesday, 13 July 2022

Tucker Carlson’s latest on ‘green’ energy is mandatory viewing

 American Thinker

Also in premodern times, if the energy supplies failed (the wind stopped blowing, the water stopped flowing, and the slaves and/or animals died from disease), there were two inevitable results: Famine and then, once the people were sufficiently weakened, deadly epidemic disease, not on a COVID scale (~1% of the total population) but on a cataclysmic scale, whether it was a single nation seeing tens of thousands dying from smallpox or typhus, or one-third to one-half of the world’s entire population dying from the plague.    ......George Orwell fully understood and perfectly illustrated in 1984 how the past exists only to justify the left’s current and future policies. If the past isn’t helpful, it must be ignored or rewritten. What this means is that leftists cannot learn from the past. All they can do, rather like cross a raging river on the backs of alligators, is just keep erasing their mistakes and assuring a beleaguered population that the newly rewritten past fully justifies their future plans.  ......Tucker Carlson understands all this: He understands all nation’s needs for energy, he understands that solar and wind power cannot serve a modern nation’s needs, and he understands that the leftists are lying and cheating to circumvent the constitutional limitations on despotism. I often say that something Tucker did is a “must-see” because it so perfectly (and often amusingly) encapsulates an issue. This time, I’m telling you that Carlson’s latest monologue is a must-see because it’s a warning bell. If we ignore it, frankly, we’re doomed."

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